DIE HARD TRILOGY 2 from Fox Interactive Playable demo v1.1 For more details, please check the Fox Interactive web site at: http://www.foxinteractive.com MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: ---------------------------- Windows® 95 / 98 with DirectX 6.1 - Pentium® 200MHz MMX processor, or 100% compatible (300MHz recommended) - 32Mb RAM - 4x speed CD-ROM (8x recommended) - 23Mb free hard drive space - DirectSound compatible sound card (Creative EAX and Aureal A3D 2.0 supported) - Windows® 95 / 98 compatible two-button mouse - DirectX 6 compatible 3D Accelerator card with 4Mb RAM (8Mb recommended) with the following features: Min. 2 Mb Frame Buffer Min. 2 Mb Texture Memory Z-Buffering Texturing Alpha Blending - OR 3Dfx (Voodoo) card with Glide 3.x or later. Supported (but not required): - DirectInput compatible game pads, joysticks and wheels (force feedback supported) - Act Labs PC Lightgun System supported Quick Start: 1) Locate the DHT2 icon in the directory that the demo is installed, and double-click it. 2) If this is the first time you have played this demo, you should see an "Install" button on the splash screen. Click that to initiate the installation process. If a DirectX installation is required, you may be directed to restart your computer. 3) Once the demo has been installed, the splash screen shows four buttons. "Run", "Configure", "Remove", and "Exit". Click the "Configure" button. 4) The Configuration menu allows you to configure the graphics, sound, and input devices. When you're done configuring exit the menu by clicking the "Ok" button. Closing the dialog will cancel all changes and will not be saved. 5) Return to the Splash screen and click the "Run" button. 6) The game launches at this point. The default in-game controls are as follows: Pause Menu: Escape Open/Close the Menu Up/Down Arrow Change Menu Option Selection Enter Select Menu Option 3rd Person Action/Adventure: Up Arrow Walk/Run Forward Down Arrow Walk/Run Backward Left Shift Hold for Walk/Slow Side Step instead of Run Left Arrow Turn Left Right Arrow Turn Right Z + Left / Right Hold for Side Step (Strafe) C Completes a 180 degree Quick Turn Q Step Left W Step Right Left Alt Action (Open doors, press buttons, etc.) Peek (while standing near a corner and the camera is wandering, hold to peek 90 degrees) Left Alt+ Left Dash Left Left Alt+ Right Dash Right A Select Weapon S Select Grenade X Toggle 1st Person Aiming Mode (when aiming you can only strafe) Left Ctrl Fire Weapon Space Bar Toss Grenade (hold for distance) Right Mouse Button Click to toggle Advanced (mouse aim) mode. Sharpshooting: Arrow Keys Move crosshairs reticle Left Ctrl Fire Weapon Space Bar Toss Grenade (hold for distance) Left Alt Reload A Next Weapon Mouse directional movement Use mouse to move crosshairs reticle Mouse Left Button Fire Weapon Mouse Right Button Reload Extreme Driving: Up Arrow Accelerate Down Arrow Brake Left Ctrl Hand Brake Left Shift Nitro Boost Left Turn Left Right Turn Right X Reverse C Reverse View (hold to move camera 180 degrees) A,S Cycle camera view INSTALLATION TIPS: ------------------ - Make sure you have sufficient free hard drive space for the installation. Microsoft recommends that you have at least 23 Mb free hard drive space to allow for the correct operation of Windows Virtual Memory. - Restart the system before installing DHT2. It is always a good idea to restart your system before installing any software. This can refresh the system memory and eliminate unnecessary problems that may appear during the installation. - The game requires DirectX 6.1 (or later) to be installed - you will be asked to install or upgrade DirectX during game installation. The latest release of DirectX may be downloaded from: http://www.microsoft.com/directx COMPATIBILITY NOTES: -------------------- DHT2 is designed to function with Windows 95/98 compatible graphics cards and sound cards. The drivers for these various devices are provided by Windows itself, or the respective manufacturers, and may occasionally contain bugs or otherwise cause incompatibilities beyond our control. If you experience any problems, it is always recommended that you obtain up-to-date drivers, which will often remedy the problem. Almost every vendor makes their drivers available on their web site. If you are unsure of a web site URL for a particular hardware vendor, you can try accessing one of the popular Windows software update sites such as: http://www.windrivers.com GRAPHICS: - DHT2 detects multiple graphics cards and the resolution settings they are capable of displaying. Although the user can select the highest resolution setting possible, the game may not be able to run due to memory limitations on the graphics card. To fix this, simply select the next resolution down until you find one which will work. Screen resolutions below 512 x 384 are not recommended. - 3Dfx Glide mode requires Glide 3.0 or later to be installed. You may have to download new drivers from http://www.3dfx.com if you have 3Dfx hardware and Glide is not available in the Configuration menu. - If you have a 3Dfx graphics card, it is strongly recommended that you play the game in Glide Mode for optimal game performance. - If you have a version of DirectX later than 6.1 installed on your PC, ensure that the drivers are certified by the graphics card manufacturer as compatible with the installed version of DirectX. - Users of ATI graphics cards (including the Rage Pro) may experience blockiness of some textures. At the time of release, ATI suggests using an earlier version of their drivers, available at their website: http://www.atitech.com - Users of graphics cards with the S3 Savage chipset may experience screen corruption during loading of levels, although this does not appear to have a detrimental effect on the game. Future releases of drivers may resolve this issue. Check http://www.s3.com for updates. - At the time of release, major compatibility problems were noted with the Hercules Stingray and Hercules Terminator Beast graphics cards. At this time, Hercules does not have drivers available on its web site. However you may wish to visit http://www.hercules.com to check for updates. - If you experience any graphical problems, please ensure that you have the latest available drivers for your 3D graphics card. These can be found at the card manufacturer's web site. The most common sites are: ATI (Rage) http://www.atitech.com Matrox (G200, G400) http://www.matrox.com Nvidia (Riva, GeForce) http://www.nvidia.com S3 (Savage) http://www.s3.com 3Dfx (Voodoo) http://www.3dfx.com Creative Labs http://www.creative.com Diamond Multimedia (Viper) http://www.diamondmm.com STB http://www.stb.com/products Guillemot http://www.guillemot.com - Within the Graphics/Options in the Configuration menu is a setting for "Z Bias Compatibility Mode". This mode works around a problem which some video cards, such as the Nvidia GeForce, have with DHT2's method of displaying 2D text. Check this option if menu text or HUD overlays are not visible. - DHT2 takes place at night. Some areas are quite dark - if you are having trouble seeing things generally, you may find a Gamma Correction slider included in your graphics card's display software. Please refer to the graphics card manual for further instructions. AUDIO: - Aureal A3D 2.0 requires compatible Aureal audio hardware and will automatically be detected. The latest Aureal drivers can be found at http://www.aureal.com - Creative Labs Environmental Audio (EAX) requires compatible Creative Labs audio hardware, and will automatically be detected. The latest drivers can be found at http://www.creative.com - Dolby Surround requires a compatible Dolby Surround Sound decoder and speakers to be connected to your computer. CONTROLLERS: - DHT2 supports a wide variety of DirectInput compatible game pads, joysticks and wheels. The latest DirectInput drivers can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/hardware For non-Microsoft DirectInput compatible gaming devices, please refer to the controller manufacturer's web site. - DHT2 supports the Act Labs Lightgun System in the Sharpshooting levels. The latest drivers can be found at http://www.actlab.com ADVISORIES: ----------- - In the Configuration Menu the Options button brings up the Advanced Video Options sub-menu. Changing the Check Box items may have a detrimental effect on the performance of the game, and should only be changed from the default settings if you are attempting to resolve a graphics related problem. - If you have a force feedback controller connected to your PC which does not have a "dead man's trigger" that senses whether the controller is being gripped or not, its force feedback effects may be activated by DHT2 even if the controller is not currently in use (e.g. if you are playing in the 3rd Person Action/Adventure mode but you have a force feedback wheel connected). - When pressing ALT+TAB and/or the Windows Key on keyboards, DHT2 will minimize or switch tasks. Problems may occur when minimizing games so this is NOT recommended. MUSIC: ------ If you enjoyed DHT2's in-game music, you can find out more about BT at http://www.btmusic.com LEGAL STUFF: ------------ © 2000 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Die Hard © 1988 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Fox, Fox Interactive, Die Hard Trilogy 2 and their associated logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. Windows is a trademark and Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other marks are the property of their respective holders.